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About Headway Suffolk


Headway Suffolk, a registered charity in England (Charity No. 1075338), provides comprehensive support services to individuals aged 16 and above who have experienced brain injuries. These injuries may result from traumatic accidents, strokes, viruses, tumors, neurological conditions, or similar events. Our services encompass advice, support, rehabilitation, and ongoing care.

Neuro Hubs

Headway Suffolk operates Neuro Hubs located in Ipswich and Bury St Edmunds, serving the Suffolk and south Norfolk regions.

Our Tutor

The tutor for this course is Helen Fairweather, the Chief Executive of Headway Suffolk. With extensive experience in brain injury care, Helen leads the largest Headway group in the UK. Her personal journey and dedication stem from her profound understanding of the impact of brain injuries.

Unique Approach

Headway Suffolk distinguishes itself by providing support for individuals with various neurological conditions, fostering a deep understanding of brain function and injury. With over 14 years of experience and interaction with thousands of individuals affected by brain injuries, Helen Fairweather and the Headway Suffolk team recognize the unique challenges and complexities associated with each case.

Rehabilitation Focus

Every brain injury is unique, requiring tailored care and support. Headway Suffolk is committed to assisting individuals in achieving the fullest possible recovery. Our services extend beyond the individual to encompass their families and friends, recognizing the profound impact of brain injuries on the wider support network.

Expertise and Qualifications

Helen Fairweather's expertise in brain anatomy and injury is supported by her academic achievements, including university degrees up to master's level. This knowledge enables her to provide comprehensive support and guidance to clients, facilitating their journey towards recovery and improved quality of life.